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Modify value in unordered_set

I have the following structure:

struct User 
    string name;
    bool flag;
    int score;

    bool operator==(const User& user) const
        return name == user.name;

namespace std {
        struct hash<User>
            size_t operator()(const User& user) const
                return hash<string>{}(user.m_nickname);

After that I want to use User with unordered_set container, but after reading another portion of data I want to modify user score\\flag etc, therefore it wont affect the hash value, because I know that all users will have unique names beforehand.

In my program I use something like that:

unordered_set<User> set;
    User user = *set.find({name});

But after my user object goes out of scope and I find it one more time values remain the same as they were before modifying. How I can solve this problem and maybe I should use other container? I have chosen this one because of O(1) complexity.

使用Map, unordered_map ,其中键是名称,值是User。

In an unordered_set<> each object's value is its key. Hence, the objects can't change.

One way you can get around this is by making the non-key members mutable.

That is, change

bool flag;
int score;


mutable bool flag;
mutable int score;

Also, you're modifying a copy.


User user = *set.find({name});


auto &user = *set.find({name});

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