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How to remove white line in tableview in swift4

I am using tableview for display the values.but mild white line are displayed in tableview. All the values are displayed correctly.But mild white lines are displayed in every cell in table.This white line not displayed from tableview cell.

         func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat
     var height:CGFloat!
            if (tableView == adventureTableView) {

            let width = UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width
            height = (width/640) * 410.0
            self.adventureTableView.tableHeaderView?.frame.size = CGSize(width: self.adventureTableView.tableHeaderView!.frame.size.width, height: height)

            else  {

            let width = UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width
            height = (width/640) * 410.0
            self.adventureTableView.tableHeaderView?.frame.size = CGSize(width: self.adventureTableView.tableHeaderView!.frame.size.width, height: height)

        return height


    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {

        var count:Int = 0

            if (tableView == adventureTableView) {
                count =  adventure_nameArray.count
            else  {
                count =  location_nameArray.count

        return count


 func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {

   if ( tableView == adventureTableView) {

        let cell = self.adventureTableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "travelcell") as! travelTableViewCell

        let adventure_name = self.adventure_nameArray[indexPath.row]
        self.adventure_favourite = self.adventure_favoriteArray[indexPath.row]
        self.adventure_favouriteCount = self.adventure_favoriteCountArray[indexPath.row]
          cell.travelcellImageView.image = self.adventure_imageDownloadArray[indexPath.row]

        cell.travelAventurename.text = adventure_name
        cell.travelFavouriteCount.text = String(adventure_favouriteCount)
        cell.travelFavouriteButton.tag = indexPath.row;

        if (adventure_favourite == 1){
            let img = UIImage(named: "like-hover.png")
            cell.travelFavouriteButton.setBackgroundImage(img, for: .normal)
        } else {
            let img = UIImage(named: "dislike.png")
            cell.travelFavouriteButton.setBackgroundImage(img, for: .normal)

        cell.travelFavouriteButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(advenureCellButtonAction), for: .touchUpInside)

   cell.travelAventurename.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true

          return cell


    else {

    let cell = self.locationTableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "locationcell") as! locationTableViewCell

        let location_name = self.location_nameArray[indexPath.row]
        self.location_favourite = self.location_favoriteArray[indexPath.row]
        self.location_favouriteCount = self.location_favoriteCountArray[indexPath.row]
           cell.locationcellImageView.image = self.location_imageDownloadArray[indexPath.row]

        cell.locationAventurename.text = location_name
        cell.locationFavouriteCount.text = String(location_favouriteCount)
        cell.locationFavouriteButton.tag = indexPath.row;

        if (location_favourite == 1){
            let img = UIImage(named: "like-hover.png")
            cell.locationFavouriteButton.setBackgroundImage(img, for: .normal)
        } else {
            let img = UIImage(named: "dislike.png")
            cell.locationFavouriteButton.setBackgroundImage(img, for: .normal)

        cell.locationFavouriteButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(locationCellButtonAction), for: .touchUpInside)


     return cell



How can i remove white lines from tableview cell.Please Help me

I believe you are referring to the separators between cells. That's not in the cells, but between them. To disable them just set the following:

tableView.separatorStyle = .none

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