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how to fix CMake Error in CMakeLists.txt: Generator NMake Makefiles does not support platform specification, but platform x64 was specified

I want to install dlib using pip install dlib using cmd in windows 10 But it is showing following three errors: CMake Error in CMakeLists.txt: Generator

    NMake Makefiles

  does not support platform specification, but platform


  was specified.

CMake Error: CMAKE_C_COMPILER not set, after EnableLanguage
CMake Error: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER not set, after EnableLanguage

INFORMATION: pip 9.0.1 from d:\\python36\\lib\\site-packages (python 3.6) cmake 0.9.0 windows 10 pro(64-bit) Version: 10.0.16299 Build 16299

I am on windows 10, python 3.5, pip 10
dlib didn't work even after installing cmake. Solution :

  • Add cmake into PATH(C:\\Program Files\\CMake\\bin)
  • Then install using pip :

     pip install dlib==19.4

Works like a charm.


After windows October update, the above method works, but sometimes there are errors like boost error and cmake incompatible . so,

  • Download and install CMake msi
  • Add cmake into PATH(C:\\Program Files\\CMake\\bin)
  • Restart Windows
  •  pip install dlib


    pip install dlib==19.4

我和你遇到了同样的问题,安装Visual Studio C++后已经解决了。

The easiest way is to install MS Visual Studio Community Edition, and select Visual C++ (install anything else you want but they are all optional except C++). This will install CMake and the correct compiler and libs in the correct locations.

  • Download the latest Dlib.
  • CD into the Dlib folder.
  • Make sure the Dlib/build folder is empty ( rm -r -force .\\build* )
  • Run: python .\\setup.py install

If you get an error, post back here. You are probably missing a dependency or ENV variable.

First of all, delete CMakeCache.txt file. Later, just execute inside dlib-xx/build the command below:

cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ..

If you have more problems with CMAKE_C_COMPILER and CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER, you will have to install MinGW and add to the enviroment variable the path /bin of MinGW.

And if you don't have installed Visual Studio, you would to resolve future problems

I have just encountered the same problem yesterday and looked up many resources. And at last I solved it by installing Visual Studio 2017, choosing C++-related component, because it needs the C++ compiler to build the dlib.

you can also go this link (dlib.whl) and download .whl version of dlib and use this command to install it

pip install .\dlib-19.8.1-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl

but you should replace name of the file in above command with any file that you have downloaded

I had the same problem. Installing dlib from .whl worked.

pip install https://pypi.python.org/packages/da/06/bd3e241c4eb0a662914b3b4875fc52dd176a9db0d4a2c915ac2ad8800e9e/dlib-19.7.0-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl#md5=b7330a5b2d46420343fbed5df69e6a3f

See this post: https://stackoverflow.com/a/49538054/9524424

I had a similar problem when installing dlib and pqkmeans Python packages.

  1. Installing CMAKE or MinGW did not help.
  2. I solved it only after installing the Build Tools for Visual Studio from here (so installing Visual Studion IDE, which is quite huge, is not necessary). When installing, I didn't check any additional ticks - the mininal proposed set of packages was enough.
  3. When installing Visual Studio, I run into a problem from this question (traces of older versions of VS) and dealt with it following the answers to this question.

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