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WebViewClient::onReceivedSslError is not called

I have attached my WebViewClient implementation to my WebView.

appView.setWebViewClient(new AppViewClient());

My onReceivedSslError and onReceivedError implementations are called with all expected errors except for Mixed Content error.

My implementation for both methods:

Log.i(TAG, "Error Cought");

As I said, they are called on various errors except the Mixed Content error. My request is blocked without calling either of these methods.

Which API version are you using? MIX CONTENT was allowed, by default, before 21.

You can try adding this setting in web view:


For API level below 21 :

try {
    Method m = WebSettings.class.getMethod("setMixedContentMode", int.class);
    if ( m != null ) {

     m.invoke(webView.getSettings(), 1); //MIXED_CONTENT_NEVER_ALLOW

catch (Exception ex) {


Good to know that you already know about MixedContentMode :) I can suggest 2 things to try.

  1. Use console message to identify this error. You can do a string match to check the MIX CONTENT error.
myWebView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient() {
  public void onConsoleMessage(String message, int lineNumber, String sourceID) {
    Log.d("MyApplication", message + " -- From line "
                         + lineNumber + " of "
                         + sourceID);
  1. Intercept request and check the url. Check the WebActivity implementation in source code .

     mWebView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() { @Override public WebResourceResponse shouldInterceptRequest(WebView view, WebResourceRequest request) { String url = request.getUrl().toString(); if (!URLUtil.isHttpsUrl(url)) { Logger.loge("Secure connection required, but insecure URL requested " + "explicitly, or as a part of the page."); return createNewSecurityErrorResponse(); } return super.shouldInterceptRequest(view, request); } }); private WebResourceResponse createNewSecurityErrorResponse() { WebResourceResponse response = new WebResourceResponse("text/plain", "UTF-8", null); response.setStatusCodeAndReasonPhrase(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "Secure connection required"); return response; } 

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