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Why code coverage not 100%? pytest-cov

Why am I not getting 100% code coverage?!

All methods are tested...

How the code coverage percentage is calculated?


import os

def get_root_dir():
    return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.sep, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../../'))

def get_coverage_report_dir():
    return os.path.join(os.path.sep, get_root_dir(), 'coverage_report')


import unittest

class TestPaths(unittest.TestCase):

def test_paths(self):

    import src.utils.paths as paths
    self.assertTrue(paths.get_root_dir() in paths.get_coverage_report_dir() and paths.get_coverage_report_dir().endswith('coverage_report'))


---------- coverage: platform win32, python 2.7.14-final-0 -----------
Name                               Stmts   Miss  Cover
src\utils\__init__.py                  0      0   100%
src\utils\example_util_module.py       2      0   100%
src\utils\paths.py                     5      3    40%
TOTAL                                  7      3    57%

The html output will show you the missing lines

pytest --cov=paths --cov-report=html

Then open index.html from the newly created htmlcov folder.

Here is a video demonstrating achieving 100 percent test coverage.


Python 100%的代码覆盖率

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