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How to get video from Instagram public access API?

I know that this api is working to get images but how about videos?

I was able to get the thumbnail of the video but not the source or the url itself.

When you make above API call it would return code in it. looks something like this: BWhyIhRDBCw

Whenever your media nodes has "is_video": true you can make following call:


for eg, https://www.instagram.com/p/BWhyIhRDBCw/?__a=1

This would return another json. which will have video_url you are looking for.


"video_url": "https://scontent-bom1-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/437699b67172f450331fa732f0777b18/5A7FE0A0/t50.2886-16/20138822_486349355081174_1539674401849475072_n.mp4",

This url working in local machine but not on my remote server.

When i try to hit from remote server its returning html content.

要访问此 api,只需使用 volly 库,它将返回 json,然后您可以根据需要解析 json。

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