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spring boot rest api mongodb update entity

I've a problem with updating my entity. I've rest api where I use request mapping "/people/{id}" with PUT method. If I make a request I get an error like this -> "Write failed with error code 11000 and error message 'E11000 duplicate key error collection:..."

Where is the problem ? I use mongo database. Code below:

public ResponseEntity<Person> updatePerson(@PathVariable String id, 
@Valid @RequestBody Person person) {
Optional<Person> personToUpdate = 
if(!personToUpdate.isPresent()) {
    return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
if(personToUpdate.get().getName() != null) {

if(personToUpdate.get().getSurname() != null) {

if(personToUpdate.get().getBirthDate() != null) {
if(personToUpdate.get().getDateOfDeath() != null) {
if(personToUpdate.get().getGraveId() != null) {

Person updatedPerson = this.personRepository.insert(personToUpdate.get());

return new ResponseEntity<>(updatedPerson, HttpStatus.OK);


This is the culprit

Person updatedPerson = this.personRepository.insert(personToUpdate.get();

You are using insert instead of save. You should be doing

Person updatedPerson = this.personRepository.save(personToUpdate.get();

There is difference between insert and save . In simple terms.
save is equivalent to insert or update.
insert is just insert.

Hence if you use insert, it tries to insert a new record(This is okay, if you don't specify the id), but you are specifying id which results in duplicate key.

The error message is saying that there's already a record with the same person. In other words, you already have a person with the input attributes. Try to change your request body.

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