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Chrome is not running javascript garbage collector

we have a single page application built with javascript, angular, etc.
noticed that in Chrome (only) the memory usage is rising until the tab crash with the "Aw snap" message.

seems like Chrome is not running the garbage collector when it should.

after some research with old Chrome versions i've found that in version 61 everything works very good and the memory usage is very minimal, but in v62 and onward (including canary v66) the GC is not collecting, resulting in memory usage up to few giga. until it crash.

once i open the devtools the GC is collecting as it should and memory usage is normal again.

any idea what is happening?

Chrome developer here. It's hard to guess what might be going on. Please file a bug at crbug.com/new , include repro instructions, and post the bug number here.

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