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mysqli_real_escape_string for int

Help, I've been searching for all solutions on how I can retrieve my data from a table in a database using the primary key.

intval($referenceNumber) = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['referenceNumber']);

Then my sql query goes like this..

$sql = "INSERT INTO cleared 
        (referenceNumber, visitorName, visitorID, 
        numberOfCompanions, collegeVisit, reasonVisit, timeIn)
        SELECT *
        FROM visitor
        WHERE referenceNumber = PRIMARY KEY";`

I always get the error: Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in C:\\wamp64\\www\\test\\transfer.php on line 13

How can I remove this error? Thanks in advance for the help.

Well you need to first assign the value to the variables and then cast it to an integer. You line 13 should be:

$referenceNumber = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['referenceNumber']);

$referenceNumber = intval($referenceNumber);

See the documentation for intval

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