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spring thymeleaf combo box get selected value

I have this enum class,that has a set of values. I display the values in a combo box. How do I get the selected values?

@Table(name = "accountant")
public class Accountant {

    private String country;

    public enum country{

In the controller I have already set it by doing modelAndView.addObject("currentAccountant", loggedInUser);

I list them all out by:

<form th:action="@{/updateAccountant}"  th:object="${currentAccountant}" class="form-inline"  method="post" id="companyProfileForm" name="companyProfileForm">

<select class="form-control selectpicker" data-live-search="true" style="width:300px;margin-left: 50px;"  >
    <option value="" selected disabled hidden>Please select a Country</option>
        <option th:each="country : ${T(Accountant.Country).values()}"

How do i get the selected value from the combo box in the form? And later set back the value when the form is loaded.

I tried this, but nothing gets listed in the combo box.:

<select th:field="*{country}" class="form-control selectpicker" data-live-search="true">

when i remove the th:field="*{country}" it displays the countries. <select class="form-control selectpicker" data-live-search="true">

So this took me some while to resolve, hack the solution.

  1. for the combo box, to get selected value , the th:field it should not be field name-column name variable country . It should be the enum list name Country Note the naming difference capital C

  2. To get all values of the combo box, you should do ${T(com.workspez.model.Accountant.States).getSortedValue()} You need to specify full package name .

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