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Ionic 3 - get data in a variable with this (\“9876543210\”, \“9876543211\”) format

I want to retrieve all user's contact numbers in a variable with this format: \\"9876543210\\", \\"9876543211\\", \\"9876543211\\",...

I have loaded all the contact numbers from database, Here is my code:

    let contacts: any = [];
    firebase.database().ref('users').orderByKey().once('value', (items: any) => {

        items.forEach((item) => {

            if(item.val().contact_no != '0')
                    contactNo: item.val().contact_no
            this.contactList = contacts;
           console.log("Contacts: ",this.contactList);
   (error) => {
    console.log("Error: ", error);

loadContacts() retrieves contacts in this format:


I want all the contact numbers in this format: \\"9876543210\\", \\"9876543211\\", \\"9876543211\\",... and store it in a variable. Thanks in advance.

You can convert the result to string

    if(item.val().contact_no != '0')
            let editedContact:string = '\"'+item.val().contact_no+'\"';
                contactNo: editedContact

console.log will skip the \\ , but you can get it in the template

    let contacts: any = [];
    firebase.database().ref('users').orderByKey().once('value', (items: any) => {
    items.forEach((item) => {

      if(item.val().contact_no != '0')
      this.contactList = contacts;
      //console.log("Contacts: ",this.contactList);

    var length = this.contactList.length;
      console.log("Length: ",length);
      if(length > 0)
        for(var i = 0; i <= length; i++)
          if(i > 0)
            this.contacts += '\\\"' + this.contactList[i] + '\\\",' ;
        var contact = this.contacts;
        this.contacts = contact.slice(9,-16);
        console.log("Formatted Contacts: ",this.contacts);
  (error) => {
    console.log("Error: ", error);

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