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How do I get the correct difference between python daytime.time from different time zones?

I have instantiated two datetime.time objects with different time zones. Then I try to get the difference of time between both objects. In this example, I have set a time in La Paz and another in Lima (10:29 both in their respective timezones). Then I used datetime.combine to try to get the difference of time.

from datetime import time, datetime, date
from pytz import timezone

departure_timezone = timezone('America/La_Paz')
arrival_timezone = timezone('America/Lima')
departure_time = time(hour=10, minute=29, tzinfo=departure_timezone)
arrival_time = time(hour=10, minute=29, tzinfo=arrival_timezone)

dateTimeA = datetime.combine(date.today(), departure_time)
dateTimeB = datetime.combine(date.today(), arrival_time)

diff = dateTimeB - dateTimeA



Then it prints

2018-02-20 10:29:00-04:33
2018-02-20 10:29:00-05:08

which is not what I expected, since the time difference between La Paz and Lima is 1 hour, but instead I get 35 min. What do I need to change to get the expected outcome?

You need to use the timezone.localize() method; the pytz timezones contain all historical timezone changes, and assigning to tzinfo will always do the wrong thing. See the documenation :

This library only supports two ways of building a localized time. The first is to use the localize() method provided by the pytz library.


Unfortunately using the tzinfo argument of the standard datetime constructors ''does not work'' with pytz for many timezones.

 >>> datetime(2002, 10, 27, 12, 0, 0, tzinfo=amsterdam).strftime(fmt) '2002-10-27 12:00:00 LMT+0020' 

It is safe for timezones without daylight saving transitions though, such as UTC[.]

Neither method can be applied to a time() object; apply it to the datetime object instead:

dateTimeA = departure_time.tzinfo.localize(
    datetime.combine(date.today(), departure_time, tzinfo=None))
dateTimeB = arrival_time.tzinfo.localize(
    datetime.combine(date.today(), arrival_time, tzinfo=None))

The above re-uses the tzinfo reference on the departure_time time object and sets tzinfo to None , explicitly, to produce a correct timezone offset.

With those changes, the output becomes:

2018-02-20 10:29:00-04:00
2018-02-20 10:29:00-05:00

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