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Codeigniter TWIG: How to access global variable in template

How can I access model functions in .twig templates?

{% if($this->my_model->my_function("123")) %}
    Hello World
{% endif %}

This returns Unexpected character "$"


I realised I can do something like this

$this->twig->addGlobal("my_function", $this->my_model->my_function("123") ? true : false)

But considering 123 can be anything, I don't know how I'd allow input of a parameter.

Add the model as a global variable instead of the function:

$this->twig->addGlobal("my_model", $this->my_model);

Then in Twig you can do ( "123" can be anything):

{% if my_model.my_function("123") %}
    Hello World
{% endif %}

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