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Get values from subobject in Razor HTML

I have a class that contains a super object. When creating this class, it will contain one of the subobjects of the superobject. However, because the attributes of the subobjects are not in the superobject, I cannot access these attributes in Razor. Can someone tell me how I can reach the subobjects' attributes? I cannot put the subobjects' attributes in the superobject, because I'm going to convert the class to json and I cannot have all attributes visible in the json.


public class FoundPattern
    public Pattern Pattern = new Pattern();


public class Pattern : OntologicalModel


public class KpiPattern : Pattern
    public List<KPI> KPIs = new List<KPI>();


public class ProcessPattern : Pattern
    public List<Process> Processes = new List<Process>();

Razor page:

@model IEnumerable<FoundPattern>
    // do something     

Instead of SUBOBJECTNAME and SUBOBJECTATTRIBUTE I need the subobject and subobject attribute, respectively.

Should be something like

@foreach (var x in Model)
    if(x.Pattern is ProcessPattern) { 
        foreach (var y in ((KpiPattern)x.Pattern).Processes)
            //enter code here
    if(x.Pattern is KpiPattern) { 
        foreach (var y in ((KpiPattern)x.Pattern).KPIs)
            //enter code here

If you don't have intellisense or the view is showing syntax errors then a possible issue is that you didn't include the namespace of your classes in your web.config in your Views folder.

Remember to open and close the view after editing the web.config for the intellisense to start working correctly.

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