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How to create an array of classes in jquery and with a 5 second interval, add and remove class switching div on dispaly

Good morning,

I am trying to create an array of classes and with a 5 second interval, I would like to add and remove class replacing the current div. This is for a carousel where I currently have the background image changing at this time. I would now like to make my descriptive text alternate in the same way. Can anyone help?

I was thinking an if statement checking the current background could work. Howver I get this error: 'unexpected token {'



$(function() {
    var headCarosuel = $(".headCarosuel");
    var backgrounds = new Array(
    var current = 0;
    function nextBackground() {
    $(".headCarosuel").css("background", backgrounds[current = ++current % backgrounds.length]);
    setTimeout(nextBackground, 5000);
    setTimeout(nextBackground, 5000);
    $(".headCarosuel").css("background", backgrounds[0]);

if(backgrounds = $("url('./img/backgroundVinny1.jpg')").css() {
else {



With your info and example I've understood the following code. It changes the background image and the background class every 5 seconds.

/* H E A D E R C A R O S U E L */
    var headCarosuel = $(".headCarosuel");
    var backgrounds = new Array(
    var classes = [ "description1", "description2" ];
    var current = 0;
    function nextBackground() {
      var prevIndex = current;
      current = (current + 1) % backgrounds.length;
      $(".headCarosuel").css("background", backgrounds[current]);
      setTimeout(nextBackground, 5000);

You can test it on https://codepen.io/mtomas/pen/MQXPGE

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