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Uncaught Reference Error: [...] is not defined

   function deleteTripEntry(tripEntryId) {
    var r = confirm("Do you want to Delete Entry...!");
    if (r == true) {
                + '/OutWardGoodsController/deleteTripEntry', {
            tripEntryId : tripEntryId
        }, function(data) {
        }, 'json');

Uncaught ReferenceError: contextApplicationPath is not defined at deleteTripEntry (:6729:10) at HTMLAnchorElement.onclick (VM475 login:1) deleteTripEntry @ VM472:6729 onclick @ VM475 login:1

Clearly, it says that contextApplicationPath is not defined. Try declaring the variable or try declaring it before defining deleteTripEntry function.

Since your question doesn't have much details, I cannot help further.

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