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Visual Studio and IIS manager

原谅我愚蠢的问题,但是我的Visual Studio 2017中有一个新的项目解决方案。为了在VS中本地运行该解决方案,我是否需要在本地IIS管理器上进行默认网站的设置?

Visual Studio 2013, 2015 and 2017 use IIS Express by default, which runs with its own separate applicationHost.config file and shares no configuration with the "real" IIS, this also means that you cannot use IIS Manager to configure IIS Express.

If you do configure IIS to use your "Local IIS Web Server" instead of IIS Express then you will need to run Visual Studio elevated ("As Administrator") to give it permission to reconfigure your local IIS. I do not know how Visual Studio decides which IIS Website to add your application-binding to - I cannot find any information about this. I guess you'll have to experiment.

Note that using Local IIS means that the project may not be portable to other machines - so if you're working on a team and your coworkers have different IIS configurations then you'll be in a mess. You should always prefer IIS Express where possible.

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