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Excel function: reference to array in cell

I have an array in cell A1 via

A1 = {=G6:J6} = {"aa"."b"."ccc".1} 

Now I want to use the cell A1 for array formula in B1. Basically B1 should be

B1 = SUMPRODUKT((C6:C12)*(B6:B12=G6:J6))

But instead of the direct reference to G6:J6 I would like to use A1 instead. I just tried:

B1 = SUMPRODUKT((C6:C12)*(B6:B12=A1))
B1 =  {=SUMPRODUKT((C6:C12)*(B6:B12=A1))}

But this would not work. Is there a way to make it work?

Greetings, Peter

For questions that appeared:

Cells G6:J6 are input data for example article numbers. I want to setup the input data only once in my sheet so I have to update less data. entries in G6:J6 are strings or numbers. Let's say G6 = "aa", H6 = "b", I6 = "ccc" and J6 = 1.

Cell B1 is one point where I need to use the data. It would rather be in another sheet but for simpler examples let's assume it is cell B1. In B1 I could of course refer to G6:J6 but this makes formular less easy to read. Therefore I would like to put a reference A1 next to B1 so one can see easily what data B1 uses.

C6:C12 is some numbers and B6:B12 is some strings/numbers that maybe match G6:J6. So sumproduct should sumup the matches.

Your cell A1 contains an array formula or array range but it only contains a single value from that array or range (each Excel cell can only contain a single result value).

So you need to replace the A1 in your SUMPRODUCT with an array or range expression.

Cell A1 value shall be G6:J6

G6:J6 populated as required with {"aa","bb","ccc",1} then in B1 put following formula and check if this is what you need.


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