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Call method inside function

i have a wizard from a metronic theme where I'm trying to call a function to check if my array contains dublicates.

if I remove this part of my code it works without problems.



var wizard = (<any>$('#m_wizard')).mWizard();        
                    //== Validation before going to next page
                    wizard.on('change', function(wizard) {
                        if(wizard.getStep() > 2){    

Right now my checkIfArrayIsUnique() is just a dummy function

        return true;

how can i call a method outside my 'change' event ? So I'm able to run thru my array and confirm it does not have any dublicates.

the problem is the "function(wizard)" call, since it creates a new scope. But your checkIfArrayIsUnique() ist actually outside of this scope.

Try using ES6 function syntax

wizard.on('change',(wizard) => {
    if(wizard.getStep() > 2){                 


in your change function the variable this point to current function,to use it,you should make this point to out object,you should write like this:

 var that = this; var wizard = (<any>$('#m_wizard')).mWizard(); //== Validation before going to next page wizard.on('change', function(wizard) { if(wizard.getStep() > 2){ console.log(that.checkIfArrayIsUnique()); } mApp.scrollTop(); }) 

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