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How to call Dojo method from inside function of another method?

I feel like I'm missing something fundamental here.

I want the _webCall() method to run once, so I have this IIFE function set up to run fireFunc() which calls the _webCall() method, but it keeps saying this._webCall(url) is not a function.

I can't figure out what I have done wrong here. How can I call _webCall() from inside a function?

 _webCall: function(url){

  onOpen: function(){
        var fireFunct = (function(){
          var url = 'someurl';
          var executed = false;
          return returnFunc(){
              executed = true;

In dojo there is a module that has the hitch() function , which is dedicated to your case :

first import the "dojo/_base/lang" , then use the lang.hitch() function to point out the context of execution to this (which refers to your module )

require([.., "dojo/_base/lang", ...], function(.., lang, ...){

  _webCall: function(url){
  onOpen: function(){
      var fireFunct =
      lang.hitch( this ,(function(){ // <--- execute function in the context of the module , this will point to the module not IFII function context
            var url = 'someurl';
            var executed = false;
            return returnFunc(){
                  executed = true;


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