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win32client dispatch fails in python while win32::ole new runs successfully in perl for a com dll

I have a com dll implemented in C# and is registered via regasm. When I try to get a handle to this dll in python via

handle = win32com.client.Dispatch('{EC456B4B-5AC4-46E8-99E8-54C193C316BC}')


handle = win32com.client.Dispatch('MyCOMdll')

it fails with an error: (-2147221164, 'Class not registered', None, None)

while this works in the perl script where I use

my $handle = Win32::OLE->new('MyCOMdll');


my $handle = Win32::OLE->new('{EC456B4B-5AC4-46E8-99E8-54C193C316BC}');

Meanwhile win32com.client.Dispatch is working good for the COM exe objects.

Is the way I am using the win32.comclient for COM dlls correct ?

[update 01]

perl code which is working

use Win32::OLE;
my $handle = Win32::OLE->new('MyCOMdll');
# my $handle = Win32::OLE->new('{EC456B4B-5AC4-46E8-99E8-54C193C316BC}');
my $result = Win32::OLE->LastError();
if ($result != 0)
    print("OLE Error: ",$result,"/n");
    die "";
    print("OLE Success!!/n");
exit 0;

Python code which works only for COM exe and not for COM dlls

import win32com.client

    handle = win32com.client.Dispatch('MyCOMdll')
    # handle = win32com.client.Dispatch('{EC456B4B-5AC4-46E8-99E8-54C193C316BC}')
except Exception as ex:
    handle = None

It was a 32 bit/ 64 bit problem. After using a 32 bit python version, the issue was resolved.

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