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reciving JSON data in my odoo controller

i send data from extJS file to my odoo controller using Ext.Ajax.request like this :

    url : '/serviceAP/fun',
    headers :{
         'Content-Type' : 'application/json'
    method : 'POST',
    jsonData : {"params":
          {"cat" : "cat4",
           "date" : "02/11/2015",
           "notes" : "this notes 4"}

and the controller is like this :

@http.route('/serviceAP/fun', type="json", auth='public', website=True)

def func_test(self,**args):
    http.request.env['sap.orders'].create({"cat": args['cat'], "order_date": args['date'],
                                          "notes": args['notes']})

    return None

it's works fine without any problem but now i want to add many params (cat5,cat6,...,catn) so i need to use a JS array i don't know how to handle it i tried many things but without result because this method is correct just for one json tuple i want to know how to handle it in the two side odoo (odoo controller/js return )

i find it to make a make it we should create a dictionair of dictionaries like this :

val = {}
 "cat": "cat4",
 "date": "02/11/2015",
 "notes": "this notes 4"
  "cat": "cat5",
  "date": "02/11/2015",
  "notes": "this notes 5"

after we should insert it to jsonData with the params key

jsonData : {"params":val}

and we use it directly in the controller :

while i < len(args):
   http.request.env['sap.orders'].create({"cat": args[str(i)]['cat'],  "order_date": args[str(i)]['date'],"notes": args[str(i)]['notes']})
   i = i+1

i hope it help ,thanks any way :)

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