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Spring boot, gradle, angularJS and a fat jar

My spring-boot project is like this:

|__ build.gradle
|__ settings.gradle
   |__ application
   |__ library
   |__ web
|__ application
|__ library
|__ web

application contains the main and a MvcConfig class that implements WebMvcConfigurer:

public class MvcConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
    public void addResourceHandlers (ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
        String workingDirectory = System.getProperty("user.dir");

            .addResourceLocations("file:///" + workingDirectory + "/../web/dist/");
    public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {

When I run : gradlew :application:bootRun => everything works fine.

My web directory is a angularJS application and gulp builds it in a dist repertory. (I'm using moowork node and gulp gradle plugin)

But now I want to a have all my application in one fat jar generated with bootJar.

java -jar application.jar (will run all the app)

application.jar contains web.jar wich contains all that is inside the dist repertory.

gradlew :application:bootJar generates a jar with everything (library, spring-boot web) but when I launch it, it doesn't find my index.html

I know that I have to change the addResourceLocations arguments but I need some help to do it. I have tried (without success):




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