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NavigationView - When selected settings item there is no way to unselect it from code

I've found some strange behavior. If SelectedItem is SettingsItem then cannot deselect it from code


<NavigationView Name="nv">
        <NavigationViewItem Content="dsadas" />
        <NavigationViewItem Content="dsadas" />
        <NavigationViewItem Content="dsadas" />
        <NavigationViewItem Content="dsadas" />
    <Button Click="Button_Click" Content="de select" />


private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    nv.SelectedItem = null;

And that is all. I don't understand why code doesn't work for Settings Item and how to deal with this problem.

Extending @Martin-Zikmund answer. Code handling now situation if ItemsSource is set.

public static class NavigationViewExtension
    public static void ClearSelection(this NavigationView navigationView)
        var temporaryItem = new NavigationViewItem();

        if (navigationView.MenuItemsSource != null)
            var existingList = ((IList)(navigationView.MenuItemsSource));
            navigationView.SelectedItem = temporaryItem;
            navigationView.SelectedItem = null;
            navigationView.SelectedItem = temporaryItem;
            navigationView.SelectedItem = null;

This works for me completely

This is very interesting bug in the NavigationView , I have created a GitHub repro and reported it via Feedback Hub .

As a workaround I have created the following "hack" extension method:

public static class NavigationViewExtensions
    public static void ClearSelection(this NavigationView navigationView)
        var temporaryItem = new NavigationViewItem();
        navigationView.SelectedItem = temporaryItem;
        navigationView.SelectedItem = null;

How does it work? The code temporarily adds a new NavigationViewItem to the control and selects it (thus deselecting the Settings item). Then it clears the selection and a removes the temporary item right away. Because the view is updated on the UI thread, you will never be able to notice the new item being added and removed again.

I found another way to solve it.

You need to add hidden item to NavigationView:

<NavigationView Name="nv">
    <NavigationViewItem Content="dsadas" />
    <NavigationViewItem Content="dsadas" />
    <NavigationViewItem Content="dsadas" />
    <NavigationViewItem Content="dsadas" />
    <NavigationViewItem x:Name="HiddenItem" Visibility="Collapsed" />
<Button Click="Button_Click" Content="de select" />

And then you can clear selection:

nv.SelectedItem = HiddenItem;

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