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Command Line Radio Buttons/Options in Ruby

How do we make a command line options like this: 在此处输入图像描述

I would image the code would look like this

options = Hash.new()
options['Monolithic'] = 'Monolithic application'
options['Microservice'] = 'Microservice application'
options['Gateway'] = 'Microservice gateway'
puts 'Which *type* of application would you like to create?'
options.each do |key, option|
  puts option
# interface here

A menu in a console windows can be done with several gems, the best known are curses , tty-prompt and derivates and Highlight

If you want a simple graphical menu see my answer here .

See here for an example of what curses can do. Here are more examples.

Result will depend on OS and console being used.

I wrote tty-prompt gem to help build interactive menus. Implementation of the example would look like:

require "tty-prompt"

prompt = TTY::Prompt.new
type = prompt.decorate("*type*", :yellow)
prompt.select("Which #{type} of application would you like to create?") do |menu|
  menu.choice "Monolithic application", "Monolithic"
  menu.choice "Microservice application", "Microservice"
  menu.choice "Microservice gateway", "Gateway"

The above will render the following select menu in the console:


This gem is tested to work on a variety of operating systems and there are many types of prompts available.

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