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Swift 4 - How to save NSAttributedstring in core data

In .xcdatamodeld file, I made a attribute content , and make its type transformable . And after creating NSManagedObject Subclass, I found in properties file, the type of content is NSObject? .And now I change NSObject as NSAttributedstring? ,and ran it, build success.But when I save data, this time, a lot of error occurred,these errors is about UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate by breakpoint. I think my way to save NSAttributedstring in core data has more problem. How to do this with transformable type? Thanks!

I found the easiest solution for both Obj-c and Swift.

In Core Data you can add an attribute, For example let's call it attributedText . Then define its type as Transformable . After you create the .h file then change the data type of attributedText from NSDictionary to NSAttributedString .

Now you can save the NSAttributedString in Core Data.

Recall it as like this:


It will return your NSAttributedString .

For Swift: Try to create a column of Transformable type. Then create your NSManagedObject Subclass , which will in your case be a swift file. Then simply change the type of the column in the file so that you have something like @NSManaged var name: NSAttributedString .

I hope it can help you.

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