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Make url with custom scheme clickable in textview

I have urls with custom schemes that are displayed in a TextView . The problem is that when I try using something like Linkify not the whole text section is clickable. I am following this link to try to get it working but the link is only on google.com

Code copied from link but I am using Kotlin:

    val fullString = "This sentence contains a custom://www.google.com custom scheme url"

    mTextView.text = fullString

    val urlDetect = Pattern.compile("([a-zA-Z0-9]+):\\/\\/([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)") // this is a terrible regex, don't use it. There are better url regexs.
    val matcher = urlDetect.matcher(fullString)
    var scheme: String? = null

    while (matcher.find()) {
        val customSchemedUrl = matcher.group(0)
        val uri = Uri.parse(customSchemedUrl)
        // Now you could create an intent yourself...
        // ...or if you want to rely on Linkify keep going
        scheme = uri.getScheme()

    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(scheme)) {
        Linkify.addLinks(mTextView, urlDetect, scheme)

the output is: (custom://www.google.com) where only google.com is a link.

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