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Why do i have to type in my User/Password (of .htaccess/.htpasswd) again and again in Pluginsettings of TYPO3?

I protected my TYPO3 Development System with a .htaccess file.

At the end of this file i have my passwd-settings

AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /-secret.path.to.my.htpasswd-/.htpasswd
require valid-user

Now if i edit the Pluginsettings of my custom Plugin, i have to reenter the User/Pass Combination again and again and again.

Same if i edit a page and add or remove the Relation of a new Resource in Tab Resources .

Someone knows this behaviour, and knows a "fix" to this?

I only want to type my User/Password once.


Perhaps this info helps: if i change my Pluginsettings (via Flexform - which i debug in my Controller and in my Fluidtemplate also), i have also type my User/Pass in Frontend again.


TYPO3 Version 8.7.7


The Problem comes with Chrome Version 64.0.3282.186 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)

The problem is the http://null:null@yourhost - this represents wrong authentication data and results in a logout. This seems to be a Typo3 bug. There is already a bug entry here: https://forge.typo3.org/issues/83741

A patch for Typo3 8.7 is under review and can be found here: https://review.typo3.org/#/c/55559/


The Bug has been solved in version 8.7.11

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