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Luasec Luasocket https.request with user agent and return body

I want to make a https.request with a custom user-agent using LuaSec. I've tried the method described here:


But I don't know how to pass http headers to this function with avoiding to get the response body set to the number 1, as described:

If url is a table , the function returns the same results, except the response's body is replaced by the value 1 .

 local headers = {
    ["user-agent"] = "My User Agent",

local r, c, h, s = _https.request {
    url = url,
    method = method,
    headers = headers,
-- r is 1, no the response body!

If I change the request to


I get the respone body, but then I can't set the user agent anymore.

Thanks for your help!

If you specify a table, the first return element is always 1 on success; to receive the actual data you have to also specify a sink , to which the received data is to be stored. For example:

local chunks = {}
local r, c, h, s = _https.request {
    url = url,
    method = method,
    headers = headers,
    sink = ltn12.sink.table(chunks)
local response = table.concat(chunks)

Now you can retrieve the response from the variable response

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