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Abstract base class virtual pure method that takes itself as a parameter

Apologies for any poor wording, I'm not quite sure how to express the question.

I have a base class A, which has a pure virtual operator+= which takes an instance of itself. In the derived class B I'd like to override operator+= of the base class such that it takes an instance of B (rather than A).

// Abstract base class
template <class T>
class A
    A() = default;

    virtual A<T>& operator+=(const A&) = 0;

// Derived class
template <class T>
class B : public A<T>
   T some_field = 3.14159;

   B(const T x) : A(), some_field(x) {}

   B<T>& operator+=(const B& b) override
       this.some_field += b.some_field;

       return (*this);

I do understand why this doesn't work; the two methods are different functions because they expect different arguments. However, I assume that there must be some way to guarantee that any class derived from A will implement operator+= in which it takes an instance of the derived class as the argument.

virtual operator+=(const <this_class_type>&) = 0;

Please could you offer a solution to this? Thanks very much!

One way to achieve this would be using T for the parameter:

template<typename T>
class IBase
    virtual IBase& operator+=(const T& Instance) = 0;

class CDerived : IBase<CDerived>
    IBase& operator+=(const CDerived&) override
        return *this;

class COtherDerived : IBase<COtherDerived>
    IBase& operator+=(const COtherDerived&) override
        return *this;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    CDerived Derived1, Derived2;
    Derived1 += Derived2;
    COtherDerived Derived3;
    // Derived3 += Derived1; <-- Will not compile

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