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How to select value from list using JavaScript in html

this is code

 <c:forEach items="${names}" var="jk">
        <a href="openmessage" onclick="sendtoanother();" >

javascript for selecting the value and showing in alert box

   var df = document.getElementsByTagName('az3');
   var de = document.getElementsByTagName('a1');
                function sendtoanother() {
                    alert(df+" "+de); }

document.getElementsByTagName returns a collection.

The first element of this tagname in page has an index 0 .

var df = document.getElementsByTagName('az3')[0];
var de = document.getElementsByTagName('a1')[0];

In df and de are HTML elements. You want their .innerHTML , I suppose.

first get the index value from the list that is by using Jquery click function

        var ty;
              $(function hj() {
                  $('a').click(function () {
                       ty = $(this).index();
                       alert("this is " + ty);

then by passing the variable to another function and with using java script

function kill( tyo) {
   var de = document.getElementsByTagName('klw')[tyo].innerHTML;
   var df=document.getElementsByTagName('az3')[tyo].innerHTML;
                    alert("hi " + de);

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