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Running A cronjob in a pod in Kubernetes

I have a backend nodeJS application running in a kubernetes cluster. Now I want to run two cron jobs to be scheduled every month. The cron jobs are in a JS file. How do I create a job that runs those JS files in the pod running that service every month using Kubernetes ?
This link gives a basic understanding of how it works but I am a little confused on how to run it for a specific service and on a specific pod

Unfortunately, you cannot run the CronJob inside a container of your application.

The only thing you can do is create a container which will contain your cronjob and necessary environment for running it and schedule to run that pod by a CronJob.

Here is an example of the configuration:

apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
  name: hello
  schedule: "*/1 * * * *" # syntax is a same as in system cron jobs
          - name: hello
            image: image_with_cronjob_code # here is an image with your cronjob
            - /bin/sh
            - -c
            - date; echo Hello from the Kubernetes cluster
          restartPolicy: OnFailure

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