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Spring Boot Security with Basic Auth and OAuth Order Issue

I'm trying to implement a simple spring boot project. I got several REST-Endpoints which I've to secure differently. One has to be secured by Basic Auth, another one with OAuth and one with a custom security implementation.


  • /basic/auth
  • /application/secure (oauth)
  • /application/secure2 (own implementation)

From tutorials, I know I've to set the order of the security adapters. My first intention was to set the order in steps of ten (eg @Order(10) , @Order(20) ) in case I need to add other security filters in between. By doing so I investigated the following behavior:

  • If I add the basic auth filter with @Order(10) and an OAuth filter with @Order(20) only the OAuth filter works.
  • If I add the basic auth filter with @Order(1) or @Order(2) and an OAuth filter with @Order(4) both filters works.
  • If I add a filter to @Order(3) I receive an error which says, that order 3 is already in use and cannot be configured twice.

So there is a default spring security adapter (or whatever) which has the default order 3. I thought I disable every default spring security behavior by adding @EnableWebSecurity . After I did not find an answer by google my questions would be:

  • Am I doing the right things?
  • What is this security adapter with order 3 by spring?
  • Does the default security adapter block my basic auth implementation?


   public class WebSecurityConfig {

    public class BasicAuthConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
        private String password;
        private String username;

        private static final String ROLE_ADMIN = "ADMIN";

        protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {

        protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
            http.requestMatchers().antMatchers("/basic/**", "/") //
                    .and().authorizeRequests().anyRequest().authenticated() //

    @EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
    protected static class Oauth2ServerConfig extends ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter {
        public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
            System.out.println("Filter called");
            // @formatter:off
                    // .antMatchers(GET, "/application/secure").authenticated()
            // @formatter:on

     // offline token validator


This is an old question, but if anyone is still wondering what the issue is, here are my observations:

  • @EnableResourceServer imports ResourceServerConfiguration , which has an order of 3.
  • There are ways that may allow you to add more than 2 filters before the order 3 resource server configurer, for instance
    • by giving some of them negative order values (Although I don't suppose negative values would be any special, one would need to take into account other implicit web security configurers -- for instance the one with order 0 -- enabled by default. This however means there is a possibility of collision between filters in different versions of the framework as new features are introduced);
    • by adding them as resource configurers (The ResourceServerConfiguration class does not add any request matchers, but enforces a fallback to anyRequest().authenticated() if the user has not configured anything).
  • For a better understanding on how paths are matched in the configured request matchers, you can take a quick glance at Ant path patterns .

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