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How to get raw code from a Jupyter notebook?

It would be really handy to have a button to copy raw code from a Jupyter notebook to the clipboard so it can be dumped into a text file, .py/.R script, or straight into the terminal (a button like github has to copy to clipboard)

Does a button (or even a chrome add on) exist?

Obviously you could copy/paste sections manually into a txt file, but that's laborious for long notebooks/markdowns

Yes,there is a button:

File > Download as > Python (.py)

There is a more handy way for Mac OS users.

By installing an Automator script converting the ipynb file to py first, then automatically copy the content to the clipboard with one right-click and select the script in the Quick Action part.

Github link


You can use the magic command %%writefile to save as py file

%%writefile "directory/to/file/filename.py"

However, you should place this command at the top of the cell, otherwise it will throw an error.

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