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Unable to load .pem private key

Can someone help to me to understand this error? Is is due to some configuration problem? Or is because the permissions are not properly set?

xyz@tatlo .globus]$ voms-proxy-init 
Credentials couldn't be loaded 
        Can not load the PEM private key: java.io.IOException: 
        Can not load the PEM private key: no input data (empty source?)
No credentials found!
[xyz@tatlo .globus]$ ls
mycert.p12  usercert.pem  userkey.pem

I hope you have configured VOMS server endpoints properly. Also, check if the credentials are in the correct directory. They should generally go into $HOME/.globus directory. Certificates encoded in PKCS12 and PEM formats are correctly handled by the VOMS clients. The default path for looking up PKCS12 credentials is:


Also, check the permissions set on the formats if not set accordingly. Permissions on $HOME/.globus/usercred.p12 must be 600. For PEM credentials the following paths are used:

$HOME/.globus/usercert.pem (certificate) $HOME/.globus/userkey.pem (private key)

Permissions on the pem files must be:

644 for $HOME/.globus/usercert.pem
400 for $HOME/.globus/userkey.pem

In case both the PEM and PKCS12 formats are present, PEM takes precedence.

Refer link for more guidelines.

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