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Searching categories using AND and OR query in SQL

I wonder is it possible to do where (A OR B) AND (C) operation in SQL?

For example, given Two tables

| id |  name  |
| 1  | Apple  |
| 2  | Banana |
| 3  | Cherry |


| id |  name  | group_name |
| 1  | Red    |  colour    |
| 2  | Yellow |  colour    |
| 3  | Green  |  colour    |
| 4  | Round  |  shape     |
| 5  | Long   |  shape     |

And a join table

| fruid_id |  category_id |
|    1     |      1       | (Apple, Red)
|    1     |      3       | (Apple, Green)
|    1     |      4       | (Apple, Round)
|    2     |      2       | (Banana, Yellow)
|    2     |      5       | (Banana, Long)
|    3     |      1       | (Cherry, Red)
|    3     |      4       | (Cherry, Round)

And I wish to filter all fruits that is ('Red' OR 'Yellow') AND ('Round').

The answer should be Apple and Cherry.

try this out.

select  * from  fruit_category  fc
inner join  Categories c  on fc.category_id =c.id 
where     ((c.name = 'Red') or (c.name = 'Yellow'))  and    (category_id=4) 

You can do this as:

select f.*
from fruit f join
     fruit_categories fc
     on fc.fruit_id = f.id join
     categories c
     on fc.category_id = c.id
where (c.group_name = 'color' and c.name in ('Red', 'Yellow')) or
      (c.group_name = 'shape' and c.name in ('Round))
group by f.id
having count(distinct c.group_name) = 2;  -- both color and shape match

This does assume that "color" is spelled consistently in the data.

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