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Razor with Url.Content helper is ending quotes at space in URL

I'm using ASP.NET Core 2 with Razor to try and pass an image URL into the View via a ViewModel. Unfortunately, the image URL has spaces in it, which I don't have control over at the moment.

I have a file name like this (note the space):

https://example.com/images/file name.jpg

I'm using Razor to try and show the image like this:

<img src=@item.ImageUrl />

The output HTML looks like this:

<img src="https://example.com/images/file" name.jpg />

Obviously this will not do! I should mention, we know this all works when we use an image that has no spaces in the file name. Here are some ways I've tried to correct the issue:

Using Url.Content helper in Razor (this did not make a difference):

<img src=@Url.Content(item.ImageUrl) />

Using System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode when populating the ViewModel (this results in a "double-encoding" error):

myViewModel.ImageUrl = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(someUrl);

My goal is to get the URL encoded properly (no "double-encoding" and no truncating at the space in the input string). How can I achieve this goal?

The problem is that Razor will attempt to create valid HTML, so when it sees a space it automatically closes the quotation marks, so:

@{string img = "a a.jpg";}
<img src=@img />

Gets rendered as

<img src="a "a.jpg /> // of course invalid

So, you need to be sure you include your quotation marks, then Razor will use them:

<img src="@img" />

Which gets rendered as

<img src="a a.jpg" />

You can try

<img src="@Html.Raw(item.ImageUrl)" />

but I agree that using invalid URLs (with spaces) doesn't seem very useful in the long run.

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