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razor extension method for url.content to prevent caching

I would like to override Url.Content to append a query string parameter to the resulting string on Url.Content.

The reason being, I have a web application that I develop, and with each release, users must clear their cache to get the new css and js. A solution for this is to append a version number to the querystring to force loading of the new version.

A working solution is as follows:

@{ var version = "?v=" + ViewBag.VersionNumber; }
<link href="@Url.Content("~/ux/css/base.css")@version" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Version is set in a config file so with each release, the version is updated. I would like this to be more automatic though, as currently any time a new css reference is added, we must remember to add @version to the string. An extension method the returns the path with the version number already appended would be perfect.

Also, if anyone knows who I could make changing the version number automatic with TFS check-ins or compiles that would be really useful too.

You could do something like this:

public static string VersionedContent(this UrlHelper urlHelper, string contentPath)
    string result = urlHelper.Content(contentPath);
    var versionService = Engine.IocService.GetInstance<IVersionService>();
    string tag = versionService.GetVersionTag();
    if (result.Contains('?'))
        result += "&v="+tag;
        result += "?v="+tag;
    return result;

Version Service could look something like this:

public class VersionService : IVersionService
    string _versionTag;
    public VersionService()
        _versionTag = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();
        _versionTag = _versionTag.Replace('.', '-');
    #region IVersionedContentService Members

    public string GetVersionTag()
        return _versionTag;


You might want to take a look at cassette

* EDIT * For autom. build numbers with TFS, check out: automatic-assembly-file-version-numbering-in-tfs-2010

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