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get data with find in mongoose and node

I have a problem returning some data from a db in mongodb. I put you in situation.

I have a file called db.js , which has the following content:

const mongoose = require('mongoose');

var libro = mongoose.Schema({
        titulo: String,
        estado: String,
        autor: String,
        genero: String

module.exports = mongoose.model('estanteria', libro);

I have another file called estanteria.js that has the following content:

const Libreria = require('./db');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');

mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/libreria', (err) => {
    if(err) throw err;

    console.log("Conexión a db correcta");


function allBooks(){
    var libros = Libreria.find({}) 

    return libros;

exports.allBooks = allBooks;

The problem I have in the function allBooks() , I do not know how to return the contents of the collection in an array of objects, and then display it on the web. Can somebody help me?

Inside allBooks function add a callback function to return after find operation.

function allBooks(){
    Libreria.find({}).exec(function(error, records) {
        if (!error) {
                success : true,
                records : records
        } else {
                success : false,
                error : error

exports.allBooks = allBooks;

Libreria.find({}) is an async operation, you need to use Promises way to handle this. As shown below:

Libreria.find returns a promise and you can handle the resolve state of this promise in .then method and if any error occurs it will be done in .catch

    function allBooks(){    
           .then(function(books) {
              return books;
              return error;

    // An exmaple router handler as follow:
     router.get("/posts", function(req, res){
           res.json({status: true, records})
           res.json({status: false, error })

Read more about mongoose promises: http://mongoosejs.com/docs/promises.html

Promises in general: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise


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