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R Shiny - Creating a dynamic model from checkbox input

What I'm trying to do is based off of one checkbox input with 7 different options, create a reactive glm model based on which checkboxes the user has selected.

In my UI I have the following:

checkboxGroupInput("varChooser", label = h3("Variables to include in model:"), 
                                             choices = list("Gender", "Resident", "Citizen", "Pell", "Walk.In", "GPA","Ethnicity"),
                                             selected = list("Gender", "Resident", "Citizen", "Pell", "Walk.In", "GPA","Ethnicity"))

and in my SERVER I have the following:

studyModel <- reactive({
 glm(as.formula(paste("Status ~ ",paste0(input$varChooser,collapse="+"))), data=studyData, family = binomial)

newStudent <- reactive({
  "Gender" = as.numeric(input$Gender),
  "Resident" = as.numeric(input$Resident),
  "Citizen" = as.numeric(input$Citizen),
  "Pell" = as.numeric(input$Pell),
  "Walk.In" = as.numeric(input$Walk.In),
  "GPA" = as.numeric(input$GPA),
  "Ethnicity" = as.numeric(input$Ethnicity)

goVal <- reactive({
predict(studyModel, newStudent(), type="response")

The newStudent dataframe works well, along with the reactive goVal , but I am trying to add the dynamic model instead of having one model.

The error I am getting is:

Error: no applicable method for 'predict' applied to an object of class "c('reactiveExpr', 'reactive')"


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