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python side_effect - mocking behavior of a method

In the mock, I want a certain function to return a new value in the test. This is how i did it.

Class MyClass:

      my_var = None  

      def foo(self, var1):
          return somevalue

      def bar(self):
          my_var = foo(1)

Class TestClass(unittest.TestCase):
      myClass = MyClass() 

      def _side_effect_foo(var1):
           if condition:
                return new_value

      @patch("MyClass", "foo", side_effect='_side_effect_foo')
      def test_foo(self):

This gives me a error:

Can't pass kwargs to a mock we aren't creating.

Am I using the correct format of side_effect?

Thanks for any help!

There are a few issues here.

  1. The arguments you're passing to the @patch decorator aren't quite right. The target should be specified as a single argument:

  2. Your decorated test function will need to accept an additional argument for the patched target - eg mock_foo :

     @patch('MyClass.foo') def test_foo(self, mock_foo): 
  3. You can then set the side effect on mock_foo :

     @patch('MyClass.foo') def test_foo(self, mock_foo): mock_foo.side_effect = self._side_effect_foo 
  4. In addition, _side_effect_foo() should be made a proper instance method with self as the first argument:

     def _side_effect_foo(self, var1): if condition: return new_value 
  5. Lastly, you should instantiate MyClass either inside the test method itself, or inside the setUp() method:

     def setUp(self): self.myClass = MyClass() @patch('MyClass.foo') def test_foo(self, mock_foo): mock_foo.side_effect = self._side_effect_foo self.myClass.bar() 

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