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D3.js animated grouped bar chart with variable number of groups

I am trying to adapt the animated grouped bar chart example from https://bl.ocks.org/aholachek/fb0c1cd7ea9707bc8ff55a82402c54b1

for my own purposes. One modification that I am stuck at right now is that my data will have a variable number of groups and the xAxes and blocks have to resize accordingly.

I have already added the resizing of the domains with

  x0.domain(data[Object.keys(data)[0]].map(obj =>obj.name))
  x1.domain(valueKeys).rangeRound([0, x0.bandwidth()])

in the update function, but this does not seem to be enough. While the width of the bars is resized correctly, the x values are not spaced out evenly and instead get pushed into the far right corner of the graph when adding more elements after the initial creation for example. For now I only care about the grouped version, not the stacked one.

I would appeciate any pointers

Problem could be solved by clearing out the barContainer before the update. This of course prevents transitions on the already existing bars, but that is good enough for me

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