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Spring Boot Datasource in unit tests

I have a simple Spring Boot web app, that reads from a database and return a JSON response. I have the following test configuration:

@SpringBootTest(classes=MyApplication.class, properties={"spring.config.name=myapp"})
public class ControllerTests {
    private MockMvc mvc;
    private ProductRepository productRepo;
    private MonitorRepository monitorRepo;

    public void setupMock() {
        Mockito.when(productRepo.findProducts(anyString(), anyString()))

    public void expectBadRequestWhenNoParamters() throws Exception {    
                .andExpect(jsonPath("$.advice.status", is("ERROR")));

    //other tests

I have a DataSource bean that is configured in the main configuration of the application. When I run the tests Spring tries to load the context and fails, because the datasource is taken from JNDI. In general I want to avoid creating a datasource for this tests, because I have the repositories mocked.

Is it possible to skip the creation of datasource when running the unit tests?

In memory database for testing is not an option, because my database creation script has a specific structure and cannot be easily executed from classpath:schema.sql

Edit The datasource is defined in MyApplication.class

    DataSource dataSource(DatabaseProeprties databaseProps) throws NamingException {
       DataSource dataSource = null;
       JndiTemplate jndi = new JndiTemplate();
       setJndiEnvironment(databaseProps, jndi);
       try {
           dataSource = jndi.lookup(databaseProps.getName(), DataSource.class);
       } catch (NamingException e) {
           logger.error("Exception loading JNDI datasource", e);
           throw e;
       return dataSource;

Since you are loading configuration class MyApplication.class datasource bean will be created, Try moving datasource in another bean which is not used in a test, make sure all classes loaded for tests are not dependant on datasource.
In your tests create a config class marked with @TestConfiguration and include it in SpringBootTest(classes=TestConfig.class) mocking data source there like

public DataSource dataSource() {
    return Mockito.mock(DataSource.class);

But this may fail since method call to this mocked datasouce for connection will return null, In that case, you'll have to create an in-memory datasource and then mock jdbcTemplate and rest of dependencies.

Try adding your datasource as a @MockBean too:

private DataSource dataSource

That way Spring will do the replacing logic for you, having the advantage that your production code bean creation won't even be executed (no JNDI lookup).

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