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dynamic forms with symfony

Hello i want to display races of animals which depend on the type of the animal , the problem is that $event->getForm()->get('Type_Animal')->getData() always gives me null . This is my code , thanks for the reply =))

class AjoutPost extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
        $race=array("Lionhead"=>"Lionhead", "Mini Rex"=>"Mini Rex", "Holland Lop"=>"Holland Lop", "Dutch"=>"Dutch", "Dwarf Hotot"=>"Dwarf Hotot", "Mini Lop"=>"Mini Lop", "Mini Satin"=>"Mini Satin", "Netherland Dwarf"=>"Netherland Dwarf", "Polish"=>"Polish", "Other"=>"Other");

            ->add('contenu',TextareaType::class, array(
                'attr' => array('cols' => '100', 'rows' => '5','placeholder'=>'Your Post Here','required'=>true)))
                'choices'=>array('Lost Animal'=>'Lost Animal',"Found Animal"=>"Found Animal","Coupling"=>"Coupling","Adoption"=>"Adoption"),
            ->add('url_image', FileType::class, array('label' => 'Image'))
                'choices'=>array("Brown"=>"Brown", "Black"=>"Black", "Yellow"=>"Yellow", "Green"=>"Green", "Grey"=>"Grey", "Blue"=>"Blue"),
                'choices'=>array("Brown"=>"Brown", "Black"=>"Black", "Yellow"=>"Yellow", "Green"=>"Green", "Grey"=>"Grey", "Blue"=>"Blue"),
                'label'=>'Eye Color'
            ->add('Post', SubmitType::class);
            , function (FormEvent $event) {
            $race = array();
                $race=array("Labrador retriever"=>"Labrador retriever", "German shepherd"=>"German shepherd", "Golden retriever"=>"Golden retriever", "Bulldog"=>"Bulldog", "Beagle"=>"Beagle", "French bulldog"=>"French bulldog", "Poodle"=>"Poodle", "Rottweilers"=>"Rottweilers", "Yorkshire terrier"=>"Yorkshire terrier", "Boxers"=>"Boxers","Other"=>"Boxers");
            else if($type=="Cat"){
                $race=array("American Shorthair"=>"American Shorthair", "Persian"=>"Persian", "Maine Coon"=>"Maine Coon", "Siamese"=>"Siamese", "Abyssinian"=>"Abyssinian", "Other"=>"Other");
            else if($type=="Rabbit"){
                $race=array("Lionhead"=>"Lionhead", "Mini Rex"=>"Mini Rex", "Holland Lop"=>"Holland Lop", "Dutch"=>"Dutch", "Dwarf Hotot"=>"Dwarf Hotot", "Mini Lop"=>"Mini Lop", "Mini Satin"=>"Mini Satin", "Netherland Dwarf"=>"Netherland Dwarf", "Polish"=>"Polish", "Other"=>"Other");

    public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)

    public function getBlockPrefix()
        return "AjoutPOst";

Actually you're trying to get Type_Animal in FormEvent::PRE_SET_DATA event which is fired, in fact, before setting the data as stated in the relative documentation .

Therefore you can get what you need starting from FormEvents::POST_SET_DATA event.

$builder->addEventListener(FormEvents::POST_SET_DATA, function (FormEvent $event) {
    $form = $event->getForm();

Further info about form events are in the official documentation .

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