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ES6 call to static method throwing an error

I've got the following class in Javascript:


class Cart{

    static addItem(data, beforeSendCallback=null, successCallback=null, errorCallback=null) {
        const emptyCallback = ()=>{}
                url: '/orders/',
                type: 'POST',
                data: data,
                beforeSend: beforeSendCallback == null ? emptyCallback : beforeSendCallback,
                success: successCallback == null ? emptyCallback : successCallback,
                error: errorCallback == null ? emptyCallback : errorCallback,
                dataType: 'json'

Now, in a different file I've got:


function addItemToCart(e) {
    let data = {
        'itemId': $('#item_id').val(),
        'type': $('#item_type').val(),
        'quantity': $('#quantity').val(),
        'stock': $('#in_stock').val(),
        'price': $('#item_price').val()

    if (data.stock != 2) {
        Cart.addItem(data, disableAddToCartBtn(true), disableAddToCartBtn(false))

When add-cart-btn is pressed then this function is executed but I'm getting an error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: Cart is not defined, at HTMLAnchorElement.addItemToCart (item.js:20) at HTMLAnchorElement.dispatch (jquery.js:5206) at HTMLAnchorElement.elemData.handle (jquery.js:5014)

These two files are being added to app.js which is in charge of processing them via webpack:


Since I'm requiring ./core/cart first I assumed its content would be available for ./item , am I wrong?

You need to export the Cart class in cart.js , then import and actually assign it to a variable where you want to use it. In cart.js :

// ....
module.exports = Cart;

Then in whatever module you want to use Cart :

const Cart = require('./core/cart');
// use the `Cart` class.

Try assigning the imported cart to a variable:

const Cart = require('./core/cart');

and make sure you export the cart in cart.js:

module.exports = class Cart {

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