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How a static method get context from the calling activity?

I am using MPAndroidChart lib to plot graph, and i got some problem in using with the marketview the code are below :


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    View p = findViewById(R.id.pie);
    ChartPie.Plot(p, p.getId());

    View l = findViewById(R.id.line);
    ChartLine.Plot(l, l.getId());



protected Context context;

public static void Plot(View v, int id){

    LineChart lineChart = v.findViewById(id);

    HelloME mv = new HelloME(**context**, R.layout.mymarketview);

    XAxis xAxis = lineChart.getXAxis();


    private TextView tvContent;

    public HelloME(Context context, int layoutResource) {
        super(context, layoutResource);

        tvContent = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.hello);

I dont know how to get the context in the class Chartline, because the method is in static. All the code is copy from the example in the lib, but i am trying to separate the linechart class, and face this problem.

Basically there are several types of context. In your case you can get it from v.getContext();

Modify HelloME.java like below:-

private TextView tvContent;
private static Context context_; 

  public HelloME(Context context, int layoutResource) {
    super(context, layoutResource);
    context_ = context;
    tvContent = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.hello);
public static Context getContext(){
    return context_;

Now in Chartline.java

 HelloME mv = new HelloME(HelloME.getContext(), R.layout.mymarketview);

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