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How to access my MySQL files on a hard drive using Windows

I was given some research data on a hard drive. All the files are in one folder and consists of .frm files, .MYD files, .MYI files, .TRG files and .TRG files.

I downloaded and installed MAMP so that I can run an MySQL Server. I launched PHPMYAdmin in a browser and chose the import option. I then navigated to the data folder and realized that it was looking for a .zip file with the structure .sql.zip. I then proceeded to zip all of the content to comply and according to the WinZip dialog box, it was going to take 3 hours! This cannot be the correct action.

I found this solution from 8 years ago (derobert): Recover Database Files From MYD MYI FRM Files which has a linux solution (copy the files into the /var/lib/mysql/dbname directory)

There was also a solution for Windows in which a single .frm file and a ibdata1 file is copied to the data folder (alnel). Since my intention was not to copy the data to my notebook but, instead, read it directly from the drive, I tried another solution mentioned and it turned into a nightmare....

I created a symbolic link in the data folder: c:\\MAMP\\bin\\mysql\\data called mydata

c:\mklink /D mydata e:\MyResearchData

This created a link as expected. I then reloaded PHPMyAdmin expecting to see it listed. I did not. Recognizing that the /D switch is for a soft link, I tried a hard link using /H. However, that didn't over-write the previous link. I then proceeded to delete the link and it deleted all of my data! Recovery was not as simple as if I had deleted the data from the C:\\ as it was not in the Recycle Bin. I was able to use file recovery software but now I am gun-shy about trying anything unproven.

I did eventually copy all the files into the MySQL data folder (suggested by Vishal)(c:\\MAMP\\bin\\mysql\\data\\MyResearchData) and refreshed PHPMyAdmin ... no luck.

I'm hoping someone can lead me in the correct direction.

Thank you in advance!

You've figured out one possible way. The other way is to find My.ini (mysql config file) in which you will find datadir and basedir like

# Path to installation directory. All paths are usually resolved relative to this.
basedir="C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.7/"

# Path to the database root
datadir=C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.7/Data

change the datadir to whatever location you have your MySQL data and restart your server. Since your current data dir is "c:\\mamp\\db\\mysql" look for that line in the config file.

if you are going to use it often, i'd suggest installing MySQL server, workbench and mysql notifier using mysql installer for windows. It's much more easier to manage. With workbench you can do many things.

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