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how to write this query for this xml data in linq to xml?

i've been reading through the linq to xml documentation in msdn and some other tutorials and yet i failed to find the right way to do this query as of now :(

Basically, i want to loop through each student in the class, for each question, keep a counter of individual skill, ie for student 123, the tally should be - 1, - 1, - 0. as the skills counter is based on whether the question is right(1) or wrong(0).

<assessment name="english101" level="primary 6">
   <class id="23" name="1A">
      <student id="123" name="Jack Black">
         <question id="101" correct="1">
            <skill id="" topicId="033" subtopicId="002" subtopicdesc="Launching a browser" topicdesc="Point and Click">Able to recognize and use desktop icon</skill>

            <skill id="" topicId="035" topicDesc="Typing" subtopicId="002" subtopicDesc="Using Words">Able to write on screen</skill>

         <question id="102" correct="0">
            <skill id="" topicId="033" subtopicId="002" subtopicdesc="Launching a browser" topicdesc="Point and Click">Able to recognize and use the mouse</skill>

            <skill id="" topicId="035" topicDesc="Typing" subtopicId="002" subtopicDesc="Using Words">Able to write on screen</skill>

      <student id="124" name="Tim Robbins">
         <question id="103" correct="1">
            <skill id="" topicId="033" subtopicId="002" subtopicdesc="Launching a browser" topicdesc="Point and Click">Able to recognize and use the mouse</skill>

            <skill id="" topicId="035" topicDesc="Typing" subtopicId="002" subtopicDesc="Using Words">Able to write on screen</skill>

            <skill id="" result="weak" />

            <skill id="" result="strong" />

so far the code i have is here:

    //Open up the xml and traverse to the student nodes.
                    XElement root = XElement.Load(fileLocation);
                    IEnumerable<XElement> students = root.Elements("class").Elements("student");

                    string currentStudentId = "";
                    foreach (XElement student in students)
                        currentStudentId = student.Attribute("id").ToString();
                        //this code chunk below doesn't work!
XElement questions = root.Descendants("question")
                                                .Where(question =>


i have yet to figure out how to do the looping for each question per student.. and the code in the middle of the foraech doesn't work!!


if i wanted to calculate the total question per student, how would i be able to modify your query above to do so? i try grp.Count(z => z.Correct) and other method but i can't get it right thanks :)

Second edit re comment; I think this does what you want...

var qry = from cls in doc.Root.Elements("class")
          from student in cls.Elements("student")
          from question in student.Elements("question")
          from skill in question.Elements("skill")
          select new {
            Student = (int)student.Attribute("id"),
            Skill = (string)skill.Attribute("id"),
            Correct = (int)question.Attribute("correct")
          } into denorm
          group denorm by new {
          } into grp
          orderby grp.Key.Student, grp.Key.Skill
          select new {
            Tally = grp.Sum(x => x.Correct)

foreach (var row in qry)
    row.Student, row.Skill, row.Tally);

Not exactly sure if this is what you want, but I'll give it a try:

foreach (XElement student in students)
            currentStudentId = student.Attribute("id").ToString();
            //this code chunk below doesn't work!
            IEnumerable<XElement> correctQuestions = student.Descendants("question").
                                  Where(q => q.Attribute("correct").Value == "1");                
            //Here you would do same for false answers

            //loop through correct answers
            foreach (XElement q in correctQuestions)
                IEnumerable<XElement> skills = q.Descendants("skill");
                foreach (XElement s in skills)
                    //this prints "" etc  

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