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Navigation with react-router-dom

In react-router-dom there is an option to send data between pages in the url for example myBurger/?bacon=2&salad=3

My question is if there is a service that make the (bacon,salad) data string from an object... for example

var ingredients = {
  salad: 3,
  bacon: 2

// return ?bacon=2&salad=3

And in the next page will be function that decoding it back

var URL = http://localhost:3000/myBurger/?bacon=2&salad=3
// return { salad: 3, bacon: 2 }

please do not suggest those link

Yes you can do it by using a library named qs

You can find doc here


let url = qs.stringify({salad: 3,
  bacon: 2

and then getting back the object

using another library named query-string


 let url = this.props.history.location.state.query;
 let object = queryString.parse(url, {arrayFormat: 'index'})


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