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Why does the List<? extends Foo> not accept an object of the Foo class?

I tried to add an object of the class Foo to a List<? extends Foo> List<? extends Foo> , but the code does not compile.

final Foo[] array = new Foo[] {new Foo()};
final List<? extends Foo> list = new ArrayList<>(array.length);
for (final Foo foo : array)
     // The List<? extends Foo> does not accept the foo object.

Here is the question again: why is that the case? That doesn't make any sense, does it? I just want a List that can contain objects who extend the Foo class.

I think you're misunderstanding what List<? extends Event> List<? extends Event> actually means . It doesn't mean "I can add any subclass of Event to this list". That's simply what a List<Event> is, since subclasses can be upcast to Event . List<? extends Event> List<? extends Event> says "there is some subclass of Event which restricts this type". So if foo has type List<? extends Event> List<? extends Event> , then foo could feasibly be a List<Event> , but it could also be a List<SomeSpecificTypeOfEvent> , in which case you aren't allowed to add things that aren't SomeSpecificTypeOfEvent to it. I think what you want is simply List<Event> ; the wildcard is overkill here and is not necessary.

Further reading on variance annotations ( extends and super ): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covariance_and_contravariance_(computer_science)

Edit : As Johannes Kuhn pointed out in the comments, if all you're doing is adding elements to the list, then the most general type you can have is not List<Event> but List<? super Event> List<? super Event> , since you could feasibly pass a list of any supertype of Event and your method would still work correctly. Some care must be taken, as using ? super Event ? super Event could cause some issues trying to access list elements later, but if all you're doing in the method is writing to the list, then it works perfectly.

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